Embarking on a journey to become a piping engineer can open up a world of opportunities for mechanical engineers. Kagira Drawing Solution offers a comprehensive piping design course that equips you with the necessary skills. Join now to delve into the intricacies of oil and piping design and pave your way towards a rewarding career in this specialized field.
Piping engineering in the oil and gas industry offers lucrative salary packages. Kagira Drawing Solution offers piping design courses to equip you with the necessary skills for these sought-after positions,The course covers essential topics such as piping systems, design principles, and industry standards.
Introduction about Piping & Design Engineers.
Basic piping,Pipe Size,Pipe Thickness,Pipe & Tubes,Type of pipe,Piping Shape,Piping Materials,Piping components and types,Piping Insulation.
Introduction,Columns & Tower,Reactor,Separator,Jacketed Vessels,Heat exchanger,Storage vessels.
Power Plant Equipment,Deaerator ,Pumps (Introduction),Classification of pump,Positive Displacement Pumps,Reciprocating Pumps, Heaters, Boiler(Steam Generator),Steam boiler main components and Equipment, Coal Handling Equipment in Steam Boiler,HRSG Components(Heat recovery steam generation), Steam Drum OR Steam Generator,De-super heater,Pressure Gage,Ash Handling Equipment in Steam Boiler, Electrostatic Precipitator,Boiler Soot blower,Boiler Soot blower,Common Steam distribution header Steam turbine,Flow through Nozzles,Nozzle Types,Classification of Turbine,Condenser, Types of Condenser,Air Removal,Circulating Water System,Cooling Towers,Dry Cooling Towers.
Facilities, On shore, Offshore, Offshore Plat form,Fixed platform Compliant tower,Sea star (or) Jack-up rig,Floating production system,Tension-leg platform Subsea system, Spar platform,Onshore Wellheads,Manifolds/gathering,Separation Metering, storage and export,Crude oil and Natural gas,The Reservoir Exploration and Drilling,The Well,Wellhead,Subsea wells,Artificial Lift Rod Pumps,Down hole Pumps,Gas Lift,Plunger Lift,The Oil and Gas Process Manifolds and Gathering,Separation,Water treatment,Gas treatment and Compression Storage and loading.
Orifices and Mouthpieces,Flow through an Orifice, Hydraulic Co-efficient, Experimental Determination of Hydraulic Co-efficient Determination of Co-efficient of Discharge,Determination of Co-efficient of Viscosity, Turbulent Flow,Reynold’s Experiment,Frictional Loss in Pipe Flow,Flow through Pipes Loss of Energy in Pipe,Loss of Energy (or) Head due to Friction Minor Energy (Head) Losses,Power Transmission through Pipes Centrifugal Pumps,Minimum Speed for starting a centrifugal Pump Multistage Centrifugal Pump,ASME Code Calculation, Pressure drop calculation Velocity & Friction Calculation,Pipe size Calculation Boiler Tube Calculations,Piping, Drum and Header Calculations Dished Head Calculations,Hemispherical Head Calculations Safety Valves (And Safety Relief Valves), Co-efficient of discharge.
Introduction,National codes,Standards and guides,Piping and pipeline codes Boiler and pressure vessel code,ASME council on codes and standards ASME standard,API standards and recommended practices Manufacturers standardization society,Nace National board,Flow control institute standards.
Induced Stresses in Pipe,Circumferential or Hoop Stress Longitudinal stress,Radial Stress,Spacing of Pipe Supports. Selection of Pipe Supports,Pipe Flexibility
Basic engineering Drawing,PF Drawings,P&I Drawing,Symbols for P&ID and PFD GA Drawings,Piping Isometric Drawing,Symbols for Isometric.
Introduction to Welding,Welding Process,Weld joints,Types of Welds Welding joint design,Welding position,Welding procedures,Welding Symbols